None Scheduled Your Rights: Education: Former IRS Special Agent & Congressman Ron Paul says you are not required to file. 6:46 Hall of Fame Attorney Tommy Cryer shows Income Tax is a FRAUD! 3:38 Senator Harry Reid says Income Tax is voluntary and is not forcible payment. 4:30 IRS Commissioner dodges Income Tax question. No Law! 4:28 ************************ |
These lockdowns have been one constitutional violation after another. This notice puts your elected servants on notice that you know your rights, are not waiving any of them and not volunteering for anything. Appellant Court Rules Against the IRS and in Favor of Free Enterprise Society member! NO INCOME TAX! 5 Attorneys and a Former Criminal Investigation Agent for the IRS show that the average person is not liable for the Income Tax! Fantastic! Innocence Revealed DVD Released Order Complete DVD and Companion CD Is the Income Tax Voluntary? Is There a Law That Requires an Individual to File an Income Tax Return? We Can’t Find One! What Powers of Taxation the US Government does have. What the Privacy Act is and what is has to do with a requirement to file and pay. What The Supreme Court has to say about filing of Income Tax Returns.Free Video on the above topics Click to view or right click to download. FREE NEW! Catalog 14 of Freedom Books to Download! Left click to view or right click to download. Do We Need to Replace the Income Tax? The following articles and information contain discussions or opinions of certain controversial topics. These are not given or intended as legal advice but only as the opinion of the author/s for information only. For legal advice contact a competent attorney. IRS Special Agent ReportThis report concludes that there is no law which requires anyone to file income tax returns. Find out More! The IRS is Mostly BluffWhile many believe the IRS is all powerful, we now know they rely on bluff most of the time. Those that have stood up to them have found their bark to be worse than their bite. First National C-SPAN AppearanceTop Constitutional and tax experts for the first time appeared on national television saying the income tax is a fraud and no one is required to file. Find out why. |
Radio Show Wednesday at 3pm Pacific time. _______________ Short & Informative YouTube Videos by Steve Hempfling Are Anchor Babies US Citizens? 4:46 Is the Income Tax Voluntary? 4:29 The 17th Amendment Must GO! 5:57 Income Tax and the US Constitution 8:41 |